2013 Washington, DC
The Wine Regulatory Forum’s 2013 Technical Workshop focused on building upon the previous San Francisco, USA (2011) and Auckland, New Zealand (2012) meeting outcomes. The 2013 meeting was the first step in the WRF’s new Five Year “Good Regulatory Practices Action Plan” and brought together wine regulators from 14 of the 21 APEC economies to participate in technical assistance activities that will assist developing economies in implementing specific and measurable good regulatory practices. The workshop explored wine-related technical regulations and trade issues including winemaking practices, labeling, export certifications, and laboratory testing and analysis of wine.
The three-day international conference was led by the United States government and private sector partner Wine Institute, and co-sponsored by Australia; Canada; Chile; Indonesia; Korea; Mexico; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea; Peru; Russia; Chinese Taipei; and Viet Nam. Participants also included Argentina; Brazil; China; Georgia; India; Hong Kong, China; Japan; the Philippines; South Africa; Thailand; and Uruguay. Participants toured the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau’s Beverage Alcohol Laboratory and met with a Joint Wine Regulatory Forum/World Wine Trade Group Session on 6 November 2013.

For additional information, please refer to the APEC Multi-Year Project Proposal, meeting agenda, presentations, and press release.