2017 Ha Noi Presentations
11 May 2017
Session 1: Economy Roundtable – Focus on Traceability
“Traceability – Republic of Korea”
Session 2: How is Wine Made?
PASZKOWSKI, Dan: “Codex Committee on Food Additives – progress on international harmonisation of additives”
Wilkes, Eric PhD: “Common Wine Faults and Their Impacts”
Session 3: What are the Hygienic Properties of Wine?
AZEVEDO, Sara: “The Microbiological Safety of Wine”
AZEVEDO, Sara, BATTAGLENE, Tony, & HODSON, Greg: “Microbiologically, wine is a low food safety risk consumer product”
Session 4: How, then, should wine be Regulated?
CLARKE, Jeffrey: “Good practice norms in wine regulation”
GUY, Steve: “APEC Wine Regulatory Forum Report on Pesticide MRLs”
Session 5: Imported Wine Control and Testing Methods for Wine in Vietnam
HUNG, Le Manh: “Procedure for Controlling of Imported Wine”
12 May 2017
Session 6: How should Wine be Tested?
WILKES, Eric PhD: “The core elements of a strong laboratory management system”
WILKES, Eric PhD: “2017 Ring Test Results”
Session 6.2: Economy Roundtable
“Compiled Methods Compendium 05/09/17”
HODSON, Greg PhD: “The Purpose of Certificates of Analysis”
“Laboratory Information: China”
“Laboratory Information: Chinese Taipei”
“Laboratory Information: Korea”
“Laboratory Information: Malaysia”
“Laboratory Information: Russia 1 of 2”
“Laboratory Information: Russia 2 of 2”
“Laboratory Information: Viet Nam”
SON, Tran Cao PhD: “Control Chart – Internal Quality Control of Laboratory Data (at NIFC)”
WILKES, Eric PhD: “Naturally occurring substances in wine”
WILKES, Eric PhD: “Session 5 Round Table”
WILKES, Eric PhD: “Typical Values Spreadsheet”
WILKES, Eric PhD & NEDIALKOVA, Patricia PhD: “Methods of Analysis Compendia”
Session 7: Proportionate Traceability and Certification for Wine in Light of its “Hygienic” Properties
APEC & FSCF: “Streamlining Export Certificate Requirements for Food Products in the APEC Region”
“2017-2018 Working Group Items”
AZEVEDO, Sara: “Export Certificates: An Industry Perspective”
GORE, Anna: “Food Safety Cooperation Forum: Export Certificate Workshop”